
MCPE/Bedrock -Dunge...
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MCPE/Bedrock -Dungeon Battle-

Illustrious Member Admin

-Dungeon Battle-


-Dungeon Battle-

This map contains 4 large dungeons and with many modifications, from mutants to archers, this game contains the following dungeons,You can also find some swords and armor along with many gems
This game has a limit of 4 players soon 8 players


This game includes the following dungeons -Forest Dungeon- -Ice Dungeon- -Castle dungeon- -Desert Dungeon- -Redstone Mine Dungeon- -Creeper Forest- and also creates a help room if you need to inform or know what the game has, I hope and if you like the game can report any bugs on the map using xbox user Y4H1RX 11 New details and more dungeons will be added soon

-Forest Dungeon-

Castle Dungeon-

-Ice Dungeon-

-Desert Dungeon-

-Redstone Mine Dungeon-

-Creeper Forest- Coming soon-Soon More Updates and dungeons-


[New Big update]

Now you can play 6 players soon 8 players

New Redstone mine expanded

New Mobs and mutant

New Items and Bug fixed




It is available only on Xbox and PC only in beta version


Also at 1.14.60 but with some errors


RPS Studios



Topic starter Posted : 06/06/2020 9:35 am