Escape From The Magma (Minigame)
Escape From The Magma is a type of Race Map in which you will have to run away from the Magma to reach the end without die, you can play it alone or with your friends. When the game starts you must start to running, you will found some Magma cubes. You just have to know how to dodge the Magma cube.
Press “Start” and Run to escape from the magma, Momentously you will get 4 items. The first to reach the goal Wins
This explains the uses from the items:
Snowballs: Probability of giving Slowness for 3 seconds, or simply pushing Players
Magma Egg: Can place a magma trail, it gives slowness to these players who passes over it
Spawner of Pig: When you place it make a hole 3×3 to scape.
Fishing rod Boost: It gives you Speed IV for 3 seconds
[Easy Mode] : you get 3 Snowballs, 2 Magma Egg, 3 Spawner of Pig 1 Fishing Rod Boost
[Normal Mode] : you get 4 Snowballs, 3 Magma Egg, 2 Spawner of Pig, 2 Fishing Rod Boost
[Hard Mode] : you get 5 Snowballs, 4 Magma Egg, 1 Spawner of Pig, 3 Fishing Rod Boost
Important : Magma speed varies from mode.
Slime can gives speed for 4 seconds
Magma cubes can slow you down for 3 seconds
At the end of a game you will see a button to reset the map to play again
- Credits to ROGUE_BARON : Map idea “Magma Runner” for the java edition.
- Recreated by Jmed De.
Added better featured image because I forgot to put it when I did the last updated .
Added Link to Mobile users.
Download the map like .mcworld and open it, you will be redirected to Minecraft.