Flesh Area | Original
Kill zombies to can upgrade your tools and armors from the coins and drops/loots .
The game is multiplayer and with no addons or resource pack and it even have custom items and mobs with smart coin system .
How to play ?
You need to to go to “Cave” first and kill “Zombie” try to pick up every loot to get more coins .
Use the coins you get to buy more stuff and be more stronger .
Is it multiplayer?
The game created as solo and co-op (All the coins and the upgrades you will share it with your friends automatically)
doe the map support resource pack?
Yes , the game support any resource pack.
What version is the map ?
The map is (The official version of minecraft Bedrock edition)
We fixed Angry spawn now it only can spawn 5 times per once.
Now soul has 20% to spawn and 40% to spawn as a baby soul .
The speed of soul has been buffed from 230% to 240% and the strength buffed from 130% to 210%
Now Zombie only spawn with an iron helmet .
Zombie now have 70% to spawn and Angry have 40% to spawn .
Now you can play with 30 players .
Bugs fixed .
How to play ?
You need to to go to "Cave" first and kill "Zombie" try to pick up every loot to get more coins .
Use the coins you get to buy more stuff and be more stronger .
About the game :
there is new brand 3 type of zombies !
- Zombie (Level 1) he is able to drop from 0 to 5 coins .
- Angry (Level 5) These angry monsters have huge health and deal huge damage they can spawn per 5 angry in once and they can spawn normally these monsters can drop from 0 to 100 coins .
- Soul (Level 3) This soul is so fast and invisible you only have 2 seconds to see it and it get huge Strength and speed when it's invisible but it's rarely to spawn and it only spawn in secret caves and in bargue it drops from 30 to 200 coins and it has a chance to drop an E-Tocken (Crate coin)
Is it Co-op mode ?
All the upgrades, powers , coins and E-Tockens you will share it with your Co-op .
And you can play the same map as solo in the same time .
Is it multiplayer?
The game created as solo and co-op (All the coins and the upgrades you will share it with your friends automatically)
How to upgrade and buy stuff ?
You are able to upgrade your stuff from a blade to soul blade and from lether set to dragon set .
Every set or upgrade will takes more money .
All the upgrades and sets only requires coins.
To buy a crate you need at least 1 E-tocken or 50 Mana orb .
doe the map support resource pack?
Yes , the game support any resource pack.
What version is the map ?
The map is (The official version of minecraft Bedrock edition)