Frakter-MiniGames V1.2
Not long ago I got back to playing Minecraft with some friends and thought a Mini-Games map could be fun to play. So I decided to create this map and share it so that everyone can play it.
In this map you will have access to 9 mini-games as well as a Jump to have fun with your friends.
There are 9 different games and a jump in the lobby, in front of each mini-game is a PNJ that gives information about the game behind it:

Among the list of Mini-Games we find:
- Thimble
- Bomberman

- Spleef
- PvPBox
- MobArena

- BuildBatle
- EnderWars
- Tron

As specified above there is also a Jump:

The more players you are the better you will have fun !!
In addition, the Map is available in 2 versions:
- Frakter-MiniGames: FR French Version
- Frakter-MiniGames: EN English version
I hope you like the map, if you find any bugs or ideas, comment on them.
If you want to share the map, film it for youtube or others ... Always think about Credits and put the link of the map.
You are not allowed to use the add-ons without my permissions. Contact me on [email protected] if you want to do something about it.
Crédits : Map By Stoonser
Thanks to Erensushi for helping!
The mini games have been improved:
- Thimble: The players no longer have the option to pass.
- TntRun: The reset is done automatically.
- BomberMan: Added custom Bombs for better gameplay.
- Spleef: The reset is done automatically.
- BuildBatle: Players all get the same theme for the game.
- Tron: The ground of the field is reset to zero every 30 seconds.
1 / Click on Download - Frakter-MiniGames
2 / On linkvertise, click on Access with Pub.
3 / Click on the task bar and wait 5 seconds, then press continue.
4 / Download the map, unzip the file then choose the version you want to play.
5 / To Install the map on your console, lots of tutorials are available on Youtube.
creator: Stoonser