Hide N Seek (Blocks Version)
Hide N Seek
Do you wanna play hide and seek in the hive server but just want to play it with your friends?Here is the map for you I made myself.You will enjoy playing this with your friends.Its like the popular game of the hive server.
If you are a Hider, you will need to hide but you will turn into a block! Amazing right?
If you are a Seeker,You must kill all the hider,you will be given an Iron Sword to help killing them.
Water is deadly! For some reason.So be careful!
Add-on : Block Disguise
By : Freddricc
More Maps will be coming in future updates!Also I will make a Deathrun map soon download that too.
Here are some in-game screenshots
Don’t hide in stairs,doors,fences,slab,cakes or they will BREAK! (Add-on issues)
If you found a bug,please tell me in the comments so I will fix it immediately
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Hide n Seek 1.0.1.
*Fixed some commands in the world!
Windows 10:
Once downloaded,double click the mcpack then it will be imported to you Minecraft.
PE / Mobile
Once downloaded , tap the file once them it will be imported on you MCPE
creator: SpleedUwuYT