Infinitesan es un mapa tipo minijuego donde la arena cae del cielo indefinidamente, hay dos dificultades en modo fácil y modo difícil y un modo PvP. Tiene un sistema aleatorio que asegura que ningún juego sea igual.
Infinitesan is an infinite mini game type map with a difficulty that changes over time. The mini game consists of a series of sand objects or anvils falling from the sky in rounds, each one being more difficult than the previous one.
Two additional difficulties

Hard: if an object hits you, it will hurt you depending on the state of the game.

Easy: Objects do not hurt you.

The PvP mode allows you to fight against other players with the help of a chainmail breastplate, a stone sword and a fishing pole.
@Textures not included
creator: Perrobulldogister
bug fix.