Lucky Block Race
Thes map is about Lucky Block.Here you will find many types of lucky blocks. You have to break these And must survive in the end. you can play with 2 or up to 4 players.there is a pvp you can fight with the opposite player
“Inspired by the Effect99 map”
This Map is Created By MuriCraft Studios
Addon By=Effect99
Here is some pic
Cho0se your team
Team Selector
You can go back to lobby from here
Go Back
You will be Teleport here after selecting the team
Now start your journey
Main Place
At the very last place you will find such a small house
Teleport To PVP Arena
Now you will be teleported to PVP Arena
It’s not very good but I tried my best
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This Map is Created By MuriCraft Studios
Addon By=Effect99
Thes map is about Lucky Block.Here you will find many types of lucky blocks. You have to break these And must survive in the end. you can play with 2 or up to 4 players.there is a pvp you can fight with the opposite player
“Inspired by the Effect99 map”