Lucky Blocks Bedwars
Tired of the normal bedwars? Try this lucky block bedwars instead! Obsidian area for opening blocks to prevent structures from destroying your bed! Play it safe or rush it. The choice is yours!
Each player starts with 30 Rainbow Lucky Blocks aswell as an Iron Pickaxe, The diamond generator generates Normal Lucky Blocks while the middle generates Rainbow Lucky Blocks. Map from SG Bedwars.
Custom Villagers Trades!
Obsidian Area for Opening Lucky Blocks!
Please download Effect99’s Rainbow Lucky Block Mod e" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here and apply it to this map to work.
Map by SG Bedwars!
.Zip Files
1. Click on the download link
2. Go to your File Manager and extract the file
3. Move the extracted files to games > com.mojang > MinecraftWorlds
4. Go to Minecraft and you should see the map there if your storage location is external.
.Mcworld Files
1. Click on the download link
2. Click on Open and you should be redirected to Minecraft and importing the world.
creator: bernxrd