
MCPE/Bedrock Mega B...
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MCPE/Bedrock Mega Bridge Wars - v1.14+

Illustrious Member Admin

Mega Bridge Wars - v1.14+

Ever wonder if you could play those maps in servers like cube craft and etc. Guess what! My team and I made a map, based on The bridge in Cube craft! I thought I would make this map since everyone enjoys it so so much. Enough talking, lets get into the map. 😉 For those that do not know, Bridges is a minigame. Each game of Bridges can accommodate up to 20 players (with a minimum of 10 players for the game to start), and there are 2 teams, so each team can have a maximum of 10 players. Team Red and Team Blue.


This map was made with hundreds of commands. 


This is the map. Fully Functional.

The main goal is to go here in this hole and score a point. This is blue base.

This is red base goal, jump in to score! 


creator: Sunset Productions


Made Some basic changes to commands in the world. More u


To install simply press the link/button for where it states, "Bridgewars_MEGA_Teams_0.0.7_1.mcworld". Then import the map to Minecraft. Then, BOOM, its done! 🙂  

Topic starter Posted : 09/06/2021 3:04 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 20/09/2021 5:35 pm