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MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft Manhunt (Speedrunner vs Hunter)

Illustrious Member Admin

Minecraft Manhunt (Speedrunner vs Hunter)


This function pack allows you to play the mini-game Minecraft Manhunt on the bedrock edition of Minecraft. It adds a compass that has the power to point in the direction of the “runner” in the overworld. The game is highly customizable in the way that you really make up the rules, whether the runner starts with iron, gets a head-start, hunters get diamond, etc. This is a great game to play with your friends if you crave a little bit of friendly rivalry to prove who is the best at Minecraft.

How to Play 

First make sure all of the people that will be playing are on the world, adding additional players after the function has been run doesn’t really work. Next, run the function using

/function start 

Lastly, mark the players with the respective roles using the “/tag” commands listed below.

(For runner) /tag playername add runner

(For hunters) /tag playername add hunter


Having Multiple Runners Is Not Currently Supported



Credit to Dream and Georgenotfound for the idea for this addon as this is basically a bedrock edition port from the original java edition plugin.

  • A direct download for the pack was added for verification





Topic starter Posted : 06/06/2020 9:51 am