Mountain Drop Raceway
Welcome to the Mountain Drop Raceway, an all new ice boat race track based off the new 1.18 caves and cliff generation! Race by yourself or with friends to try to be the first to reach the bottom of the track! Good Luck and I hope you all enjoy the map! 🙂

This map is very simple, when you spawn in, you will find yourself in a lobby/spawn room with time options as well as a button to go to the track, once you have clicked this you will see 3 buttons, simple click the boats button to give all players a boat to race with and then once everyone is ready, click the start button. A countdown will appear on your screen and when it reaches 0, you will be released! It is then a race to the bottom of the map! The winner is the first person to see the "Finished" sign come up on their screen at the end of the track. There will then be a button at the end to teleport you back to the lobby and to restart the race! Good luck, I hope you all enjoy! 🙂 -Scurrminator
(photos were taken with the use of Kelly's RTX)