NC: Classic Ultimate Bed Wars
This is a functional bed wars map that includes similar features as in the Hypixel bedwars maps like fireballs, auto igniting TNTs, potions, Team upgrade shops that help you enchant your weapons and give your team effects or even put traps on your base for the enemies and lots more! Only 2 players in different teams are required to start a match but only 16 players can play. The is a Lite version of the map to accommodate low end devices.
What to expect:
- The map is mostly built from blast protected blocks which means the map will not be damaged by TNTs and fireballs. Plus 90% of the blocks can't be mined except for the blocks placed by players.
- 2 players are required to start a match but they have to be on different teams. Only a maximum of 16 players can play.
- There are 2 types of Item shops you can choose from - Experimental shop and Normal shop. This means you can choose to trade items and blocks using the usual villager screen or you can choose to trade with a chest UI screen.
- The map automatically repairs when a match has ended

What you need to know:
Do not disable the command blocks or kill any entity except a player or the map will stop working!
All updates and change logs will be released on our official noblecratemc website and this page might no longer be updated. However, the download link will still continue to work and lead you to the latest download page for this map on our website.