NC SkyWars Compiled 2
Today we bring to you Skywars Compiled 2, another skywars world that includes 5 different arenas to play on! It is fully functional and has a repairing system for all arenas, which means you can have multiple plays as you like! Please note that this map is not an update of the previous arena NC SkyWars Compiled map but is a mere copy of the map with completely different arenas, namely:Ancient sand cave (big arena)MidcrownBlizzard (DUOS)NetherrackRainforest
Just like in our first skywars compiled map, each arena needs 2 players to start a match. Players can also play on different arenas at the same time without disturbing the map.
To avoid map disturbances, make sure to enter each portal one by one and don't enter a portal of a repairing arena.
Due to insufficient tickingarea space, we could not add these arenas to the previous skywars compiled map as an update. Expect a part 3 of our last skywars compiled map to drop this year.
Ancient sand cave (big arena)


Blizzard (DUOS)




Map features:
- 5 Arenas
- Functional
- Chest randomization
- Repairing system
- Floating text
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