NC: West Ridge Ultimate Bed Wars
This might be one of the first bed wars map found that will bring you very close to the original Hypixel bed wars experience! We're talking about fireballs, auto igniting TNTs, potions, auto armor gearing, bed destruction count, blast protection blocks, fancy generators, upgrade able axes and pickaxes AND team upgrades - including traps and team enhancements! The best part is that players are on survival mode - allowing them to break or place blocks anywhere on the arena! This is one of our biggest project we've ever done! A more detailed description is provided below with a trailer and pictures. Read through!
Watch a Trailer:
What makes this an ultimate bed wars map:
-First, the bed wars arena is MOSTLY built from unbreakable blast protection blocks making it very much compatible with fireballs and TNTs. You'll be able to explode bridges and bed defenses without having to worry about breaking the arena. If it happens that you break something don't worry, the map has an auto repairing system after playing a match. Below are pictures of the arena:

-Second, the Item shops are in a form of a chest ui - making it look similar to the Hypixel trade menu. Items provided in the shop cost exactly the same as in the original Hypixel bed wars (java edition). If you have never used chest ui to trade before well don't worry, we have prepared you a little training on the lobby! Below is a picture of how the Item shop's menu looks (chest ui):

Now you can switch to the normal trade UI

-Thirdly, armor and shears are permanent meaning when you die and respawn you will get your armor and shears back. Also, armor is sold as half set - you get boots and leggings like in Hypixel. Helmets also come in the color of your team. Axes and pickaxes on tier 2 and 3 (iron and diamond tools) return to first tier (wooden tools) when you die and respawn, but don't return at all when you only had the first tier for example: If you upgraded your axe or pickaxe to tier 2 (iron tools) you will get wooden tools when you die and respawn, but if you only bought wooden tools and did not upgrade to a higher tier you won't get any tools when you die and respawn. We'll work on fixing that for the next update. Below is a picture of an example of a half armor set:

-fourth, the map has an amazing scoreboard that includes a functioning timer that shows when diamond and emerald upgrades will happen and also bed destruction and game ending. The scoreboard can also count how many players are left in a team when they have no bed. Total beds destroyed are counted (Beds raided) and victories are counted. See the pictures below:

What you need to know:
-Starting a match: players have to choose a team in the lobby and the game will begin in 15 seconds. 2 players in different teams are required to start a match.
-How to play: players have to collect iron and gold on their islands and trade with the item shops to get blocks, tools and resources. Collect diamonds to upgrade your team and set traps. Get emeralds from the middle island to unlock over powered items. Destroy other apposing teams' beds to prevent them from respawning and protect your bed to be able to respawn when you die. Eliminate all apposing teams to win the game.
-How to earn trading points: convert your iron/ gold/ emeralds to trading points by collecting iron/ gold/ emeralds from their generators and standing on the "deny blocks" near the Item shop to start converting them to trading points. You will notice that your iron/ gold/ emeralds disappearing from your inventory meaning that your iron/ gold/ emeralds is being converted to trading points. These trading points will then allow you to purchase items from only the Item shops.
-How to buy items from the Item shop (Chest UI): you first have to earn trading points before you're able to trade. The trading method will require you to drag an item you'd like to purchase from the shop to your inventory and you will receive a message letting you know if your purchase was successful or not. If your purchase was successful you'll obviously receive your product. Another thing you should keep in mind is that you should not replace your in your inventory with the Item shop's items, you'll lose your items! Our trading system is still on beta, you'll sometimes receive a message saying your points aren't enough to buy an item even if you've just successfully bought it, that's natural, it's just that the game is letting you know that next time you won't be able to purchase that item again otherwise you get more points.
-How to return trading points to iron/ gold/ emeralds: by standing on the "deny blocks" near the enderchest you'll be able to get your iron/ gold/ emeralds back. This can help you store your iron/ gold/ emeralds in the chests.
-How to earn bed raids (beds broken): you'll have to be at least 9 blocks away from a bed thats being broken to earn a bed raid. Bed raids were supposed to be called beds broken but because of the system being inaccurate, we cannot detect who exactly broke the bed. There's a scoreboard list of beds raided and victory count on the pause menu.
Important notice:
To avoid make malfunctions, do not disconnect while a match is still running or when the map is repairing. Do not disable the command blocks or the map will permanently stop working!
West Ridge Bed wars now has a Lite version to help accommodate low end devices. This version has reduced lag and players can only trade with the normal trade screen/UI

Stay updated whenever we drop new maps or updates, consider checking our social media accounts below:
NOTE that all updates and change logs will be released on our official noblecratemc website and this page might no longer be updated. However, the download link will still continue to work and lead you to the latest download page for this map on our website.
You can now switch to experimental and normal trade UI. A lite version is now available to help accommodate low end devices.
Click on "Download West Ridge bed wars" to be redirected to our website and follow the steps on that page