Prison Map - Cops and Robbers
Download this expansive prison world today! This world contains a house, a building, a bank, a supermarket, a city hall, a cemetery, and of course, the prison! If you like free space to run around (and possibly build in), then you are going to love the amount of extra space the map has for you! Add your own obstacles and buildings! Play cops and robbers with your friends! This map took well over 150 hours total, so enjoy!
When you start, chose Police Officer, grab a sword, baton, three Key 1s, and two of each Key 2 and Key 3! Key 1 goes into the hoppers next to the cafeteria and yard. Key 2 goes in the hopper in the armory room. (Go to the shower, located next to the cafeteria, then go in the oak door, and there is a button behind the banner. Key 3 goes into the hopper in the small room by the front prison wall. Once done with the keys, take it back out (just 1!) Make sure other players do not cheat. It is recommended you have a "schedule" in the prison. For example, breakfast, then shower, then exercise, etc. Please watch the tutorial and make sure to create a copy of the world after every time you play to guarantee fun forever!
Thank you to TheSonicMaster for helping me turn this world slightly more map-like! (Helped with walls around the map and extra design)

These are just some of the MANY things on this amazing map! There is way more than shown in these images. Tens of thousands of blocks used to build this beautiful creation! You can do anything on here! So, download this maximum-security prison! Go ahead and enjoy this masterpiece! 🙂
Do not touch or raid armor stands with heads.
Do not use creative.
Do not cheat in any way.
Do not open any prison hoppers unless you are a cop.
Do not break any doors that require an unlock. (Not including prison cell doors!)
Use levers and buttons only for their correct area.
Do not stack up with blocks.
Do not break into the safe, bank vault, or anywhere important with fists.
If you see any redstone, do not interfere with it.
Do not spawn-kill anybody.
Try to make sure everybody in the server knows how to play.
Have fun!
Hey there!
- Replaced cobblestone with bricks near infirmary
- Made the rules easier to understand
- The text that says "Infirmary" now glows red
- Added a dim light to the secret cop hole
- Lowered frequency of villager noises in main prison area
- Added some grass outside of the prison near the shower
- Banker and Prisoner outfits now have their names in them (Ex: Leather Tunic ---> Prisoner Tunic)
- You can work at the wood job multiple times
- Removed all infested stone on the main prison floor
- Made the redstone for the light on the tower simpler
- Added buttons to the main doors of the town hall
- Added a secret prisoner "escape story"
- Prisoners can now randomly spawn in either Cell #6 or Cell #7
- Added walls in between stories of the prison cells to add structure
- Added walls around the bank vault
- Reduced file size
- 7 minor changes
- I am taking suggestions for this map! If you have one, DM Antny Gamer#4548 on Discord!
I hope you enjoy this map! Have fun!