SCP: Site 60
SCP: site 60 is a map inspired by the horror game SCP Containment Breach. This map is versatile as it can be used as a mod showcase for YouTube, a role playing world or just to explore. This map relies on 4 mods and 2 texture packs. This map will hopefully be updated weekly with small changes like a containment room redesign or small details added.
NOTE: the mods are not mine and I had nothing to do with them and the same goes for the texture packs!
scp js edition: scp js edition
scp foundation addon: scp foundation
scp vehicles: scp vehicles
2004 scp: 2004 scp
in scp-079’s room, there is a lot of empty space. comment on what I could build in this space.
and by it i mean the fact blocks are missing.
you must have scp js edition v2 for the world to load correctly
(oh and urr...sorry julius scizzors for adding your link to my world download site, but it is the only way for it to work)
recommended for windows and xbox. using phone or other mobile devices will make lag.
this world may not work on beta
scp js edition v2 REQUIRED
creator: cyb3r