Skywars Map - Pirates
Pirates - SW MAP
◾ Discord - MarvinMCC#0741
◼ Youtube - Click me !!
◼ Creator - MarvinMCCInformationMy creations are especially focused on maps, addons, textures, everything for MCPE/MCBE are totally free and for all kinds of public!.
Follow my page to stay tuned for when I make a very important post. Scroll down to read the main information for - Pirates SW MAP
Pirates - SW MAP
This map is focused on pirates, but it's not that there are pirates, you are the pirate!. You can download this map, completely free and for your MCPE/MCBE servers, I assure you... It will be the best option! Your players will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it.
◾ space for 16 players
▪ islands shaped like ships with a bit short distance to make pvp fun and your players don't get bored.
▪ The central island is large where the best loot should be and where your players fight to get it.
▪ the map is optimized for version 1.17 and also 1.18, if you want you can try other versions although I'm not sure they work.

If you want to review it on youtube or another social network, you must publish the link of this same publication.
Thank you for your attention, have a nice day.