Tic Tac Toe Minigames
Want to play Tic Tac Toe on your Minecraft World but don't know how to do it? Well, this addon is your answer. This addon will add Tic Tac Toe to your world with no Command Block at all
Inspired by the famous game boards Tic Tac Toe, I want to add it to Minecraft. This addon is simple and easy to use
This is what it looks like

The green tile is the player choose and the red one is the computer choose

How I can play the Tic Tac Toe?
- Summon the Armor Stand, by simply using the armor stand item or /summon armor_stand
- Name it "TicTacToe" [Case sensitive] with a name tag or simply /summon armor_stand TicTacToe
- Run the /function install to show the board
- Run the /function start to play the game
List of commands/functions you need to know
- /function install - Create the board
- /function start - Start the game and choose who starts first
- /function reset - If the game is finished, or you choose the wrong tile, you can reset it and play again. You need to manually /function start to play again
- /function uninstall - Delete the board and the game
Warning! This addon using Tags, Scoreboard, and Armor Stand (Just a little, not making lag). Delete any tags, scoreboard, and/or armor stand will make the game unplayable on something wrong.
You can play it with your friend and helping to win against the computer. The computer is stuck on easy mode because the computer will choose randomly and select if it's not chosen by the player. I will update it so you can change the difficulty
Knowing Issue! When you win the game, the computer still playing for last time, so sometimes, You and Computer can win at the same time, but next time I'll fix it
You can add this addon to your mod pack, it's up to you. Feel free to tag me 🙂