TNT Run - Flat
This is basically a world made up of mostly sand, stone pressure plates, and TNT.
And if you guessed it than you were right this is a TNT Run World. But.....
It's a flat.
Every time you step on a pressure plate TNT lights up and go's down into the void. But the world also slowly disappears so be careful with your every move.
And please DO NOT COPY this world.
What it looks like from a birds-eye view

what the signs say
sign #1

sign #2

World Info:
Size: 285.88 KB
DISCLAIMER: This is a world on 1.14 Bedrock Edition. I made this world before the nether update came out on Bedrock Edition. But this world does still work on 1.16.
To download press the green text that reads:
TNT Run - Flat World Download - (MediaFire)
Then you'll be redirected to MediaFire.
Then you will see a big blue button. Click on the button and the world will start downloading!