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TNT Wars
I haven't seen a TNT map in a while, so I thought id make my own. This is a fun read vs. blue map that you can use to practice on your own or play with friends. See how fast you can break through the 9 blocks wide iron wall to destroy your opponent's castle. The map has a straightforward design, giving you lots of space to build massive cannons. My favorite one shoots 20 tnt at once!

The spawn box has instructions on how to play, a team selector, and a reset button

as you can see, there are end crystals build into the castles so that you'll really know when you've lost.

There are plenty of materials to make your TNT cannons, or you can mess around with the prefilled tnt dispensers.

creator: ZACHARIAgs
Topic starter Posted : 21/07/2021 9:13 am