TNTman (Bomberman Map) Ver 2.0
This map is based on my favorite game “Bomberman “.
This map has elements of the original “Bomberman ” such as kicking bomb and Penetrating Bomb etc…
I recommend this game to both of people that know “Bomberman ” and people that don’t know.
TNTman is based on “Bomberman “..
basically you put tnt on the field and explode other players!
Push the button on the red concrete in the lobby , the game starts.
battle players : 4 (battle players are random selected from the players on the emerald block. Other players can watch the game)
Use TNT (item) , you put a tnt to own place.
Planks are broken by tnt, and items appear there. (↓↓↓items↓↓↓)
Get items , you get more ability!!!!!
kicking tnt : Use this item , you kick the front tnt and move it to the front.
Penetrating tnt (blue tnt) : Use this item , you put the tnt that penetrate planks. you can have only one .
TNT plus (TNT and plus mark) : Get this item, increase your maximum number of bombs possessed by 1. (Up to 5)
Power plus ( fire and plus mark) : Get this item, increase your tnt power by 1. (Up to 5)
Speed plus ( shoe and plus mark) : Get this item, increase your speed by 1. (Up to 6)
Thank you for reading!! Have fun!!!
added basic explanation of this map and more Installation description
Let's play TNTman !!! If this resource pack doesn't work, tell me on the comment or DM.