TYA - Anvil Drop
Anvil Drop is a game where Anvils fall down on you, Your objective is to dodge these Anvils in order to win.TYA - Anvil Drop Includes Multiple Different Levels with each of them having 5 Rounds in which Anvils drop There are also 3 Different difficulties to choose from, [Easy], [Medium], and [Hard]
There are 12 Levels in total, in which the game gets progressively harder, they are in this order:
[White], [Pink], [Magenta], [Purple], [Blue], [Light Blue], [Green], [Lime], [Yellow], [Orange], [Red], and finally [Black]
After each Level the arena shrinks down a bit and more anvils start to fall, and also from a lower height, too!

[Easy]: Easy Difficulty provides everyone with INFINITE Lives, And a Special Death Scoreboard because in this Difficulty the Winner is who gets the LEAST Amount Of Deaths. Game ends After Level 12.
[Medium]: Medium Difficulty provides Everyone with THREE Lives, Whoever gets the Highest Score Wins! Game ends When Everyone Dies.
[Hard]: Hard Difficulty provides Everyone with ONE LIFE, you cant respawn if you die!, You Earn Score Faster when you play hard, it shares the same scoreboard as Medium Difficulty. Game ends When Everyone Dies.

PowerUps Spawn After Each Level, Stand on them to Gain a Special Effect which disappears after Each Level, A PowerUp can be either good or Bad. The PowerUps are as follows:
Good PowerUps:
[Totem]: This PowerUp Gives You a Totem in your OffHand, which will of course save you when you get hit
[Speed]: This PowerUp Gives you the Speed 3 Effect, which should help you move quicker
Bad PowerUps:
[Darkness]: This PowerUp Utilises the new Upcoming Darkness Effect from Experimental Gameplay, It makes it a bit harder to see the anvils
[Slowness]: This PowerUp Gives you the Slowness 2 Effect, Which lowers your field of view and make you Slower

Special Features:
-3 Difficulty Options!
-12 Different Levels!
-A Special Spectating System with Flight Abilities!
-4 Different PowerUps to spice up the game!
-A Parkour Area for you to Wait While your Buddies join!(Sit on the chair at the top for an elytra!)

-A How To Play Section to remind you about The Game Rules
-Scoreboards for Counting Score!
-Custom Music which plays during the Game!
-Custom Functions [/function game_reset], [/function highscores_reset]
-Everyone has their own place in the high-score board, but only the top scorer can get a high-score in a game
-A known issue is that the spectate sign sometimes doesn’t say spectate when during a game(seems to be an issue with Minecraft), you can still press the button to spectate however
-If the people playing with you have high ping, they might suffocate in the walls, tell them simply don’t get too close to the walls
-if the game breaks for some reason, try [/function game_reset], if that doesn’t fix it, contact aboodiio966 on xbox app
-You can reset the Highscores with [/function reset_highscores] in case you want to, but you cant do it while a game is running
-You are not allowed to jump during the game, This is to Prevent people from jumping above the anvils while they’re falling to avoid taking damage
-Thats all for now, Enjoy!