
MCPE/Bedrock UCH Cu...
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MCPE/Bedrock UCH Custom Time

Illustrious Member Admin

UCH Custom Time

This is a map created by leider 200 and global rampardos consists of a UCH to play with friends where you can choose the game time and there more settings that will make the map a very fun experience. With custom crafting, command and much more, I hope you like it


It will start in this lobby where there will be 2 books to read that will indicate how to play and the rules of the game and 2 buttons, one to go to the game settings and another to go to the credits and to know the personalized crafting of a checked apple (all this is written in the 2 books of the beginning)




It will start in this lobby where there will be 2 books to read that will indicate how to play and the rules of the game and 2 buttons, one to go to the game settings and another to go to the credits and to know the personalized crafting of a checked apple (all this is written in the 2 books of the beginning)


Once you choose the time, the game will start, they will appear at 0 0 with blindness and slowness and without damage from falling. After 10 seconds of this, the UCH will start, you will know this since it will appear on the screen, and then the time you chose to always take it into account will appear on the right. Do not worry if the game does not change the difficulty or does not put the damage by falling this is configured to take approximately 2 minutes, this is so that the players have time to get away from each other


At the end of half the time selected, the agreement between knights will end, that is, the PVP will be activated (the players will be able to start sticking) and at 0 0 a dispenser will appear which there and only there will they be able to put the custom crafting anywhere else the crafting will be in the same room with the credits, even so they will be able to realize it very easily


Once the time selected by the player is over, if there are still 2 or more players alive, they will be taken to a mini stadium to fight and a mandatory winner will come out. In this stadium the players will be able to go wherever they want since the dead will be spectators at the top


Finally, it is worth clarifying 3 things, the first one who dies will be sent to a bedrock prison, the second is that in the middle of the game the players will not be able to go to more than 1000 blocks of 0 0, that is, from 1000 to - 1000. finally all the rules are clearly specified in the 2 books that players are recommended to read
Thank you very much and I hope you like the map 🙂

Topic starter Posted : 02/05/2021 11:36 am