Wool World - 5 in 1 Hide & Seek Map
Welcome to Wool World. A new bright and colourful Hide & Seek Map all ready for you and your friends to jump straight into the game across 4 different small maps or combine the into one big map.

Hide & Seek – A seeker has to find everybody within the map who is hiding in a range of spots. Once caught a Hider joins the Seeker until everybody is caught. This map offers a number of hiding places such as a working mill, a secret in the Sphinx, on top of trees or sprinting in the open waters of the coast!
Coast Map

Witches Forest Map

Farm Map

Desert Map


Follow me on Twitter - @Towninator24 for future map content
creator: https://twitter.com/Towninator24
- Added more hiding places.
- Added more trees to make less open areas.
- Added more tunnels under the map.
Download and install Mcworld
Click on the file and it will be exported automatically in your minecraft.