Zombies – Out West Mine V2
Zombies Map Inspired by the Call of Duty Zombies Franchise. Try to survive for as long as possible in a Round based Zombie Survival Map!
-Revive System: Supports up to 8 Players!
-All Purchases are based on tapping on item frames!
-Points and rounds are based on rotten flesh drops! Don’t be discouraged if you aren’t getting points or if the rounds aren’t changing! Your zombies simply still haven’t dropped flesh!
-Currently working on a side quest (EE)
Warning!: Map may still have some bugs I have not yet Fixed, let me know of any you encounter!
Make a copy of the original to play again!
DO NOT Change simulation distance
Find Powerup Machines scattered around the map to enhance your gameplay with unique abilities!! Powerup Machines will give you a piece of wool you may then throw on the ground to receive and ability. Some abilities include a wolf spawn, Healing team mates, and much more! One can be picked up only once per round per player!-Power Up Drops!
Zombies have a chance to drop unique Power Ups! Picking these up can result in doubling the amount of points you get per zombie, increase your damage output, and even free points for you and your team mates.
-Buyable Doors
Spend your Points on doors around the map to unlock new areas and explore new places! Buying doors gives you access to more items around the map to enhance your gameplay!
A total of 4 perks are located around the map that will each give you different potion effects to assist you in your survival! These include Resistance, Health Boost, Speed, and Regeneration. Don’t forget to turn on the power first!
-Wall Weapons
Purchase Weapons on the wall in order to fend of the hordes of zombies! Prices are posted on their respective item frames and are given via dispenser! Make sure no zombies come in and steal them!
-Rotating Mystery Box!
Find the mystery box and buy it in order to receive a random weapon, equipment, or even something else! Open the Box when numbers appear on your screen to pick up your item, if you don’t pick it up before the timer ends, you will lose that item! Sometimes the mystery box will move to a different location rather than giving you an item!
Find Sea Lanterns on item frames to find a trap! These will kill any zombies and players who enter its area of effect!
-Progressive Difficulty Rounds!
Survive multiple rounds of zombies and try to reach the highest round you possibly can! Rounds are based on rotten flesh drops, once a certain number of zombies have dropped flesh, the next round will begin!
Turn on power and stand on the teleporter to go to the enchanter! You will be teleported back to the map after a full minute passes! Each player may only access the enchanter once per round after power has been turned on!
Bug Fixes V1:
-Fixed issue where certain perks were not buyable
-Fixed step in side quest (EE)
-added step in side quest (EE)
-Fixed issue where teleporter would teleport you outside the map
-Fixed issue where players who were downed and weren't revived would not respawn in the map after the round ended
Recommended Higher End Devices, some devices may execute commands too slowly, and cause zombies to only be damageable once every 10 seconds. It is unknown at the moment which devices are unable to support this map. Download at your own risk.
creator: Contex