The First Village & Pillage Java Snapshot
The first snapshot for 1.14 "Village & Pillage" is here, and oh boy, it's a big one! With new items, new blocks, new mobs, new blocks, new enchantments, new blocks, new mechanics, even more new blocks, new commands, and not to forget all the new blocks - we're pretty confident there's something for everyone in this snapshot!
Best of all, this is just the first one! We have so many things coming to future snapshots, most of which you guys don't even know about yet! Hurray!
However, as always the first snapshot is always the riskiest. We're rewriting big chunks of the game with hopes of focusing on performance soon, so stability might be a little wonky at first. Please backup before opening your favourite worlds!
We've got a huge changelog for this snapshot, which we're really proud of. If you scroll all the way to the bottom you'll find instructions on how to play (spoiler: start up your launcher and enable snapshots!). Now, without further ado, we present to you... a changelog!
Added Bamboo Blocks into the game
Added Bamboo Jungles in the world
Rewrote the book & quill editing to be more intuitive
Added Crossbows!
Added lots of new decorative blocks!
Added new dyes and flowers!
Added some community suggestions
Updated the credits list
Added in-game buttons for reporting bugs or giving feedback
Added Illager Beast
Added Loom into the game
Special banner patterns can now be crafted into a new item, Banner Patterns
We're now using the new textures!
Added pandas!
Added pillagers
Added suspicious stew - hmmmm!
They call it exotic. Which is just people talk for awesome. Which it is, which is why we're so happy that we added it to the game.
Can be found in Jungles and the two new biomes: Bamboo Jungle and Bamboo Jungle Hills
Can grow to a max height between 12 and 16 blocks
When bonemealed, bamboo will grow a 1-2 bamboo on the top
When struck with a sword, bamboo will instantly break
Two bamboo can be crafted into a single stick
Able to be used as fuel with 4 bamboo able to smelt a single item
Bamboo is able to be placed into Flower Pots
Bamboo can now be found in Shipwrecks and Jungle Temples
As it turns out, you guys have great suggestions!
Leaves now have a small chances to drop sticks.
Chorus Fruit Flowers now break when shot by an arrow.
Dead Bushes can not be used as Furnace fuel.
Rabbit Stew and Beetroot Soup has now been changed to a shapeless recipe.
Creepers will now drop records when killed by Stray in addition to Skeletons.
Dispensers with Shears in them will now shear sheep that have wool in front of them.
This is such a fun weapon that it makes us quiver!
Shoots arrows with base power slightly higher than the bow, but less durability
Three unique enchantments!
Fun, challenging advancements!
New loading mechanics!
Unique load animation!
Choose between the following three enchantments for your crossbow:
Ever wanted to shoot more than one arrow at once? Look no further! With Multishot, your crossbow splits your arrow into 3, shooting the usual arrow straight ahead and two more at angles off to the sides!
Cannot be combined with Piercing
With this pointy enchantment, arrows shot from your crossbow can travel through mobs, hitting more than one per shot
The number of mobs that can be damaged by a single arrow is equal to the level of this enchantment + 1
Cannot be combined with Multishot
Each level of quick charge decreases the amount of time it takes to fully charge your crossbow by .25 seconds
To charge the crossbow, hold down the "Use" button
Once the crossbow string has been pulled all the way back, let go
Boom! Your crossbow is now loaded and ready to shoot with a single click of the "Use" button
Oh my, a bunch of new blocks!
Changed all existing Stone Slabs to Smooth Stone Slabs (same look, new name!)
Changed all existing signs to Oak Signs (same look, new name!)
Made Smooth Stone Slabs craftable from Smooth Stone
Added spruce, birch, jungle, acacia and dark oak signs
Added Stone stairs and slabs
Added Granite stairs, slabs and walls
Added Polished Granite stairs and slabs
Added Diorite stairs, slabs and walls
Added Polished Diorite stairs and slabs
Added Andesite stairs, slabs and walls
Added Polished Andesite stairs and slabs
Added Sandstone walls
Added Smooth Red Sandstone stairs and slabs
Added Smooth Quartz stairs and slabs
Added Brick walls
Added Stone Brick walls
Added Mossy Stone Brick stairs, slabs and walls
Added Nether Brick walls
Added End Stone Brick stairs, slabs and walls
Added Prismarine walls
Added Red Sandstone walls
Added Red Nether Brick stairs, slabs and walls
Added Smooth Sandstone stairs and slabs
Added Mossy Cobblestone stairs and slabs
Made Smooth Stone obtainable by smelting Stone
Made Smooth Sandstone obtainable by smelting Sandstone
Made Smooth Red Sandstone obtainable by smelting Red Sandstone
Made Smooth Quartz obtainable by smelting Quartz Block
Changed the recipe of Nether Brick Fence to 4 brick blocks and 2 brick items
Changed the recipe of signs to require all of the same wood type, not any wood type
Dye all the things!
Separated Bone Meal, Ink Sac, Cocoa Beans, and Lapis Lazuli into their own dyes
Unified all dye names (Red, Yellow, and Green dyes no longer have special names)
Added new recipes to obtain colored stained glass and colored carpet
Get your green fingers!
To celebrate our new dyes, we added ... flowers!
Be careful of the Wither Rose...don't let its subdued beauty lull you into a false sense of security!
Ravager? Behemoth? Got a name suggestion? Let us know!
Fearsome new foe who packs quite a wallop, grab your sword and shield and prepare to get knocked around!
Bröther, may I have some lööm?
New and easier way of being able to apply patterns to banners, can still only apply 6 max patterns to a banner
Generic patterns now only require 1 dye in order to create patterns instead of 1 - 8 (depending on the pattern)
Special banner patterns (Oxeye Daisy, Creeper Skull, Wither Skeleton Skull, Enchanted Golden Apple) can now be crafted, these patterns don't consume the pattern item when used in the Loom
Old pattern recipes in the crafting table for apply patterns to banners have been removed
The extraordinary Minecraft Texture Update has been available on minecraft.net for quite a while and now it’s finally available by default in the game
We’re renovating the old textures of Minecraft and polishing them up for a new beginning.
We're still interested in feedback
Playing on Bedrock ? Don't worry! These textures will come to the Marketplace in a near future for you to try out!
We heed the call!
Pandas come in different variants and personalities! There is a rumour about a brown panda.
Pandas love bamboo... they kinda like cake as well
Pandas can be bred, and the variants are inherited by a special panda inheritance system
Pandas spawn natuarlly in the new bamboo forest biome
Pandas drop bamboo when killed
Most importantly: pandas are cute and terribly silly!
The babies are, in general, even more silly than their parents.
Pillagers are new type of mob added to the game. For now, it can only be spawned with a spawn egg or commands, but they'll do more things in a later snapshot.
A new type of illager that, well, pillages!
Pillagers wield a new weapon, the crossbow!
The pen is mightier than to sword! Unless you're fighting a Pillager...
Movable cursor for free text editing
Selection support
Copy & Paste
Keyboard and Mouse handling
Improved page filling and line wrapping
Increased book length (100 pages)
Found in buried ship treasure chests
Also craftable!
Whoever eats this stew will be imbued with an unknown* effect for several seconds!
*Whoever crafts the stew will know what effect they gave it
Creative menu search box now accepts tags (starting with #)
Tooltip in creative search menu now lists item's tags
New item model property custom_model_data, backed directly by CustomModelData integer NBT field
Extended NBT path syntax
New sub-commands for NBT manipulation and querying
New chat component for displaying values from NBT
Added entity type tags. They work exactly the same as other ones (blocks, items and fluids, etc). Stored in tagsentity_types
Added a feature registry
Added a registry for decorators
Added a registry for carvers
Added a registry for surface builders
Item lore tag now uses chat component syntax
New Light engine!
drop command - drops items in various contexts
Block drops are now controlled by loot tables
Performance Improvements
Added schedule command for delaying execution of functions
Time arguments in time set, time add and schedule function can now have units (t - ticks, s - seconds, d - days). Fractions are allowed as long as result is integer (for example 0.5d)
Entity type predicates now accept tags (#baz)
Damage source predicate now has option: is_lightning.
Read More: https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-18w43a