Minecraft 1.14 - Village & Pillage Foxes Added To The Game Snapshot 19w07a
A Village & Pillage Java Snapshot
What's orange and white and sleeps all day? Jens, but we still managed to finish another Java Snapshot this week. Enjoy!
Added Fox
Narrator is now available in menus ("Ctrl + B" to activate it)
Paintings are now broken up into individual textures
Fixed bugs
What do they say?
Foxes are nocturnal
Foxes are nimble and quick, so sneak up on them carefully!
Breed foxes with berries
If you breed two foxes, their offspring will trust you forever
Foxes like to eat any and every food item they find on the ground
You may find a fox exploring a nearby village at night
MC-127296 - Drowned throw tridents backwards
MC-134625 - Tesselating liquid in world - NullPointerException
MC-138598 - Cats go into sitting mode after bringing a gift to the player
MC-138609 - Baby cats only use one texture while using a spawn egg
MC-138624 - Tamed cats still sneak towards player holding fish
MC-140856 - Damaging a panda in a village near a villager makes the village's iron golem hostile
MC-140924 - Cats spawn in blocks of villages
MC-140955 - Breaking a jigsaw block leaves its block entity behind
MC-140967 - desert_sheperd_house_1 structure duplicates desert_shepherd_house_1 structure
MC-141508 - "cat_morning_gift" loot table is stored in "entities" folder instead of "gameplay"
MC-141897 - Breaking or blowing up campfires sometimes still make smoke particles
MC-142214 - Campfires begin producing massive amounts of particles when game lags
MC-143687 - Scaffolding uses the "distance" value of it's pillar, rather than the shortest
MC-143696 - /forceload is suggested for non-op players
MC-143725 - Crossbow Doesn't Render in First Person View With Invisibility Effect
MC-143757 - Roof of plains blacksmith is cut off
MC-143766 - Loot tables cannot be applied to barrels
MC-143793 - Composter sounds are swapped
MC-143794 - Falling blocks break all snow layers, including when fully stacked