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Minecraft Bedrock: 1.2.13 Is In Cert+NEW Realms Feature and More

Honorable Member

Minecraft Bedrock :1.2.13 Is In Cert+ NEW Realms Feature and More!

So recently, there has been a lot of Update Aquatic Beta News as with the new features like icebergs and the kelp. But some people who dont play betas may be a bit sad that they arent getting something new. Well, today, we got news about 1.2.13... and it is good news.

Is 1.2.13 in cert?

Here are the stores uniting for updates

YES! Helen confirmed on stream that 1.2.13 is in cert! This is going to have quite a bit of bug fixes!

What is the new realms feature?

Well, Gartzke confirmed that in 1.2.13, there will be an option to kick all players off of a realm. This will probably be for realm owners only.

Topic starter Posted : 02/04/2018 2:02 pm