Minecraft Bedrock Update Aquatic: Features being rolled out in 1.2.X Betas
The Java Edition of Minecraft has been getting snapshots of the upcoming update Aquatic for the past few weeks now and each feature is really fun. From Turtles to buried treasure and from phantoms to Scutes. But a lot of people have been wondering "where is the 1.3 beta for Bedrock?" Well it was confirmed a few hours ago by Helen Angel that it looks like the 1.3 beta is a bit far away right now.
From the image above, someone asked Helen if they would roll out the Update Aquatic features in 1.2.X betas and she confirmed that they would roll them out slowly.
What does this mean?
Well this means that there may not be a 1.3 beta. Instead it will be rolled out during the 1.2.X betas (slowly)and then 1.3 will be the FULL update. However, all these version numbers COULD change as this will be a beta and it can take time to change each version number.
When can we expect the first beta?
Well, we dont know yet. It could today, could be next week or it could be the week after. I suppose "SoonTM" is the best I can give.