Minecraft Bedrock Update Aquatic: New Water Textures Previewed.
So there has been some great news in the last few days about the Update Aquatic on Bedrock. Considering we recently got a beta, the developers have been working really hard recently. However, one feature that sadly didn't make the beta was new water textures. Well fear not, Tanner Pearson has been teasing us with preview images of the water and the message is not crystal clear when they will be in the beta.
What preview images did he give us?
From the Image above, Tanner is in a village and you may notice something strange. The water looks a bit different. Yes, this is the new water. What do you think about it?
From the image above, Tanner is near a swamp. But something looks different. Yes, the water has yet again changed and it looks different to the previous image. This could mean some changes to water per biome.
From the image above, Tanner is in a cold ocean biome with icebergs and some salmon. Looks like he can see a lot further. But the water looks differe.t It looks to be that he changed the visbility of water aswell.
When can I test out these new water textures?
Here is Tanner confirming that he sent his work for testing. Looks like it might be in a build soon if everything goes well.