
Minecraft Chemistry...
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Minecraft Chemistry update for Education Edition out NOW!

Honorable Member

Minecraft Chemistry Update for Education Edition out NOW!

Yes you heard me right! The chemisty update is out now for education edition ONLY! It is also kind of an update but kind of now at the same time.

How does someone get the update?

Well you can download a resource pack from the official Minecraft Education edition website. It is a world template for education edition and you CANNOT load this on any other Bedrock Version. It will come up with an error message. You can download it on

Why is this update/world good?

Here is an element contructor!

Its good for a few reasons. Firstly if you are having issues in school with chemistry and trying to understand the elements, compounds and mixtures, then this could help you. Secondly, if you just want to learn about chemistry then this is a great way! Education edition does cost a bit of money and is for schools but you should talk to your school if you are having issues on it.

Are there lessons available?

Here is the periodic table in Minecraft!

Yes! There are MULTIPLE lessons available to work on. Its great to get your science grade up! There is also a world to help to understand it more!

Is there a teachers handbook?

Here is a flying pig for your days!

Yes! Teachers have a handbook on how things work,crafting recipies and more! So teachers can learn aswell as students! Its a win win! And you get to play Minecraft. Everyone wins!

All information from

Topic starter Posted : 21/02/2018 1:19 pm