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Minecraft Playstation 4 - NEW Blocks Update & Steven Universe Mash-up Pack!

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Minecraft Playstation 4 - NEW Blocks Update & Steven Universe Mash-up Pack!

Change log for Patch 1.88 - February 26th 2019

Added Steven Universe Mash-Up Pack.
Added new Flowers: Lily of the Valley and Cornflower.
Added new Sign variants: Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, and Dark Oak.
Added new Stair, Slab, and Wall variants:
Stone stairs and slabs.
Granite stairs, slabs, and walls.
Polished Granite stairs and slabs.
Diorite stairs, slabs, and walls.
Polished Diorite stairs and slabs.
Andesite stairs, slabs, and walls.
Polished Andesite stairs and slabs.
Sandstone walls.
Smooth Red Sandstone stairs and slabs.
Smooth Quartz stairs and slabs.
Brick walls.
Stone Brick walls.
Mossy Stone Brick stairs, slabs, and walls.
Nether Brick walls
End Stone Brick stairs, slabs, and walls
Prismarine walls
Red Sandstone walls
Red Nether Brick stairs, slabs, and walls
Smooth Sandstone stairs and slabs
Mossy Cobblestone stairs and slabs

Added "Immediate Respawn" Host Option.
Added several new loading screen tips and trivia.
Added several new splash texts to the main menu.
Cauldrons can now hold Lava.
Tripwires are now activated when broken, unless broken with shears.
A notification is now sent to chat when a tamed animal dies.
Pandas now panic when set on fire.
Scaffolding can now be placed on glass blocks.
More blocks can be placed on scaffolding including mob heads and flower pots.

Change log for Patch 1.85 - January 25th 2019

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Topic starter Posted : 26/02/2019 5:02 am