Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock BETA Released!
The "Store" button on the main menu has been renamed to "Marketplace"
For Add-On Creators:
The Behavior Pack template once again contains the 'spawn_rules' folder
Recipe and item JSON files have been added to the Behavior Pack template
Grab the latest Behavior Pack template at aka.ms/MinecraftAddons
Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when loading certain marketplace worlds
Improved performance around villages and villager job sites
Fixed a memory leak that occurred with the Script Engine
Updated the main menu splash text
Fixed an issue where consuming the last item in a stack to unlock an achievement could cause the achievement not to unlock
Player models no longer have flipped arms and legs. Ouch! (MCPE-44718)
The Haggler achievement once again unlocks when requirements are met
Villager trading now properly takes away items from the second slot, when applicable
Shields and tridents are no longer invisible when held (MCPE-44647)
Players no longer see through the world when clipping into blocks after leaving a boat (MCPE-42593)
Tamed tuxedo cats now use the proper texture (MCPE-43527)
Stray cats can no longer claim beds in villages for worlds converted from version 1.10 (MCPE-44299)
Villagers now always spawn as V1 when using template worlds, including Marketplace worlds
Witches no longer jump when attacking
Fixed some geometry animation issues for various skin packs
The ghast spinning model in monster spawners is now the correct size
Improved pathing for variable sized mobs
Zombies and vindicators now break doors down faster π
Fixed wandering trader podzol and coral trades
Fletchers now trade 16 arrows instead of 5
Changed the cost of butcher's cooked rabbit trade
Leatherworker's saddle trade is lowered from 10 to 6 emeralds
Flowing lava once again turns into cobblestone when hit by water (MCPE-43990)
Frosted ice blocks can now be broken (MCPE-41256)
Slabs and other non-solid blocks once again prevent grass from growing on dirt (MCPE-42975)
Logs can once again be turned into stripped logs with axes (MCPE-44680)
Rails at a T-junction once again change directions when powered by redstone (MCPE-44735)
Fixed smokers not having the correct texture underneath (MCPE-43944)
Armor stands can once again hold armor stand items
Correct colors of wool are now displayed as a material required to create colored banners in the recipe book
Fixed several items not losing durability when used
The player's arm is no longer displaced in first person view after eating food (MCPE-40135)
Composter growth particles now appear in the correct location
Fixed animated textures for flowing lava and water on several texture packs
Bamboo Leaves are now lighter and match the Java texture (MCPE-42635)
Fixed gray textures that sometimes appeared on doors and trapdoors
User Interface
Attempting to combine stacks of the same item no longer swaps them instead on touch controls
Items are no longer lost when swapping to and from the off-hand slot on touch controls (MCPE-44706)
The How to Play button on the Cartography Table now directs to the proper screen
Sweet berries no longer disappear on the hotbar when they are highlight
Killing a wandering trader's llama can no longer show their inventory screen
Removed "tile" prefix in the '/give' command (MCPE-44667)
Blocks and entities that aren't available in the Creative inventory no longer require the "minecraft" namespace when used as parameters in slash commands
Commands can now be auto-completed on command blocks without leading with a / (MCPE-44679)
Add-Ons and Script Engine
'minecraft:entity_use_item' documentation now generates correctly
Corrected Block Event descriptions
Custom entities now correctly re-evaluate current target validity
'getBlocks' now returns a 3D array of block objects
Fixed incorrect component name for entities with the new 'water_movement 'component
getBlock and getBlocks now correctly handle getting a block when given an actor position (or any non-integer position)