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Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock: Beta Build is Out Now
So it looks like another beta build has been released for Xbox One, Windows 10 and Android. This beta build contains some interesting features as well as a few bug fixes.
- Experimental Gameplay:
- Cartography Table
- Fletching Table
- Grindstone
- Bell
- Barrel
- Smithing Table
- Smoker
- Blast Furnace
- Lantern
- Cauldrons can now be used to hold Lava
- Added tags - custom tags can be applied to entities and players to create more flexible selector groupings
- Added "has_tag" filter in components to allow checks to see if an entity has a specified tag
- Autocomplete can be used for Tags
- The number of commands run through functions can be limited with a new gamerule (default 10k) to limit performance issues
- Functions can now be run every tick creating an update loop
- New feedback button in pause menu - shows links to the Minecraft feedback site, MoJira bug tracker, and Mojang support
- How to Play button is now visible from the in-game settings menu
- Changed default sign text colour back to black
- Sign variants are now grouped in their own inventory category
- Players can now join and play games with a minor version mismatch (MCPE-38945)
- Shulker boxes in item frames no longer cause the game to crash
- Fixed an issue with wrong items showing in partnered server stores
- Corrected the head size of baby zombies
- Fixed a crash that could occur when pistons pushed blocks
- Fixed a crash that could happen when suspending and resuming the game
- Improved the error messages that previously stated the player didn't have a licence for the game
- Fixed the positioning of the snow golem's arms
- Pandas now stop eating when set on fire
- Fixed a crash that occurred when resuming the game on Android
- Fixed mouse selection issues when clicking items or text boxes (MCPE-39283)
- Fixed an issue with end gateway portals which could generate too closely, preventing travel back to the main island
- Slimes will once again spawn in slime chunks as expected (MCPE-38388)
- Endermen now make the scream sound when angered (MCPE-26719)
- Phantoms now drop membranes correctly if killed with a fire aspect sword (MCPE-38493)
- Auto-jump now works when trying to walk through scaffolding (MCPE-38342)
- Scaffolding can now be placed on glass
- More blocks can be placed on scaffolding including mob heads and flower pots (MCPE-38942)
- Horizontal flowing water will no longer turn into bubble columns over soul sand
- Fixed a crash that could occur when removing Gear VR headset during gameplay
- fixed a crash that occasionally happens when resuming the game
- Fixed leg geometry for one-legged characters in various skin packs
- Fixed a crash that could occur when quickly signing in and out of Xbox Live
- Dragons breath can now be quickly collected reliably in multiplayer games (MCPE-37815)
- Pandas now panic when set on fire
- Animation and sounds can now be heard and seen when pillagers charge their crossbows (MCPE-39095)
- Cobblestone stairs are generated in Jungle Temples and Villages instead of stone (MCPE-39102)
- Lit furnaces now show correctly when copied using Ctrl + Pickblock
- Custom modal forms now support two lines again (MCPE-38705)
- Special characters now display correctly when using the "/say" command
- Touch controls now work correctly with scaffolding when using the 'swap jump and sneak' setting (MCPE-38063)
- Particles produced by witches are now purple rather than black (MCPE-30234)
- Slabs are no longer labelled "half slabs" in the creative inventory (MCPE-32542)
- Scaffolding textures no longer z-fight with leaves (MCPE-38375)
- Mobs in boats no longer shake when trying to turn to look at the player
- Bubble columns no longer extend up above the surface of the water (MCPE-39085)
- Fixed an issue with items being repeatedly dropped from the hotbar on touchscreen devices (MCPE-15010)
- Breaking smooth stone no longer drops cobblestone (MCPE-39164)
- Doors no longer drop as two items when broken (MCPE-39165)
- Fixed the scaling of the Mojang splash screen when resuming a split screen game
- Fixed Ghast projectile firing animation
- Commands from command blocks no longer extend to other dimensions (This fix won't affect existing command blocks) (MCPE-33892)
- Fixed a bug where the game could become unresponsive after being disconnected from a multiplayer game
- Fixed a crash issue on Xbox One
- Worlds no longer become stuck in offline mode after toggling the multiplayer option (MCPE-39194)
- Slabs can be correctly placed on top of each other again after reloading the world (MCPE-39067)
- Changing game mode and reloading a world no longer removes resource packs
- Fixed the arm position for mobs in the Mutant Battle Arena marketplace pack
(Only available when Experimental Gameplay is enabled in world settings)
Added new blocks:
New Features:
Topic starter Posted : 29/11/2018 2:24 am