Minecraft Pocket Editon/Bedrock: Scoreboards Preview
During the Official Minecraft twitch livestream, Minecraft players have been given an early preview of what to expect in the next Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock Beta. This Beta will feature scoreboards giving players a whole range of different abilities with these commands, for example mini-games will now track kills, deaths, points and much more. These scoreboards have been in the work for a long time and are set for public release this week!
First of all, it will be an experimental feature when it launches. You MUST enable this to get the scoreboard feature.
Secondly there will be no tab type feature for the scoreboards. So you cannot press tab on keyboards to autocomplete.
Thirdly, your scoreboards (as long as the command is correct) will display in the world menu aswell!
I bet all of your map makers will be happy when it launches in beta! Happy scoreboarding!