Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock Village & Pillage BETA Out Now!
Known Issues:
In this Beta there is a known issue with dragging and splitting stacks of items in the crafting grid and inventory. We are aware of the issue and a fix will be included in the next beta - in the meantime stacks can still be split in half using right click, or long-press for touch screen users.
Experimental Gameplay:
(Work in progress features that are only available when Experimental Gameplay is enabled in world settings)
New Villager Trade UI for Classic and Pocket UI profiles
Pillager Raids
New base mob effects for the raid: Bad Omen and Hero of the Village effects
Illagers and Ravagers do not kill baby villagers
Placeholder 'horn' sound
Placeholder explosion sound to indicate successful raid defense
Adding the dweller component to raiders
Villagers in existing worlds now convert to new Villagers (if they are not part of a marketplace template world)
Various Villager bug fixes and changes:
Farmers choose their profession based on composter blocks rather than farmland blocks
Farmers and Librarians properly go to work
Work goal is properly cleaned up between schedule changes
Fixed work goal to have a cooldown, max active time, and better ranges
Fixed preferred job sites being lost after reloading worlds
Increased job site goal distances
Villagers no longer get launched from their beds
Village structures no longer generate on top of one another (MCPE-41220)
Various Village generation bug fixes:
Village chests now all have loot (MCPE-41235)
Grass, bell, and trapdoor placement fixes
Village town centres now generate at or above water level
Sand blocks now have supportive sandstone blocks underneath
Fixed a bug causing some Village elements to be buried underground
Balanced the number of job sites generated in villages
Flowing water is no longer generated in villages
Lava in Blacksmiths is no longer a fire hazard!
Animals can spawn in Villages again
Fixed rotation of terracotta blocks
Balanced sea pickle generation
Bell block and crop block fixes
Fixed an issue with snow layer generation
Fixed an issue with ravines near desert Villages
Renamed Illager Beast to Ravager
Ravagers now tread more carefully around blocks that can inflict damage, such as berry bushes
Added Ravager Stun and Roar attacks
Added Ravager Bite Attack
Ravagers can be ridden by Pillagers and Vindicators.
Ravager Environment Interaction
When running, the Ravager will break all of the following blocks around it, similar to how the Wither works:
Berry Bushes
Dead Bushes
Leaf Blocks
Pumpkins (including Carved/Lit)
Stem Blocks
Chorus Plants
Chorus Flowers/Fruits
Tall Grass
Lily Pads
Turtle Eggs
Top Snow/Snow Layers
Saplings (including Bamboo)
Added Ravager Sounds
Illager Captain
Pillager Outposts now spawn Captains
Implemented Illager Captain Banner
Added Illager Captain Banner to creative menu
Iron Golem no longer generates outside of its cage in Pillager Outpost
Pillager Outpost now no longer generate embedded in the ground too much
Reduced the number of Pillager Outposts
Added Village new economy supply and demand system
The Supply of trades is only restored when the Villager is given the opportunity to work at their Work Station. (This feature is not complete in this beta, but villagers can access a resupply using the command /resupply)
When the Villager's trades are restored to full, it takes whatever Supply was used up (number of trades), and converts that into a price increase called Demand. Demand goes up by the number of Supply used, and down by the number of Supply not used
When villagers make trades, they gain experience. When they gain enough experience, they level up. Levelling up unlocks new trades, which are locked until the Villager is at the appropriate level (currently one trade equals one level up, this will be changed in a future update)
The economy system is still in development and more features and changes will be added later on
Villagers no longer teleport through walls or get stuck in walls when trying to sleep
New Features:
Pillager Patrols now spawn in the world
Added basic Composter functionality, sounds, and particles
Hopper functionality will be added at a later date
Added Grindstone UI, functionality, and sounds
Added Bell functionality
New bell sounds
Bell is no longer behind experimental features
Bells ring when players interact with them or they are powered by redstone
Bells break when pushed by a piston
Arrows bounce off Bells
Added more campfire functionality!
Campfire Cooking!
Added particles and sounds
Campfires smoke when they are extinguished
Campfires produce more smoke when placed on a haybale
Axes break campfires more quickly
Added Stonecutter functionality
Added Cartography Table UI
Added Sweet Berry Bush sounds
Lecterns now emit a redstone signal when used
Players can use a comparator and each page turn emits one redstone signal
Added Lantern sounds
Added Barrel basic functionality and sounds
Bamboo generation is no longer behind the experimental gameplay toggle
Cartography tables and grindstones can now be crafted with multiple wooden plank types
Adding missing recipes for campfires, including wood blocks, stripped wood blocks, and stripped logs
Moved all stonecutter recipes to the normal recipe list with tags
For Map Makers and Add-On Creators:
Added Data Driven Furnace Recipes
Custom furnace recipes can be added to the game using JSON
Furnace recipes are 1 per file just like all other craft recipes.
Added tags to furnace recipes and made the UI screens use them to filter the recipes down
Recipes now have tags so they can be filtered by crafting type
Leash positions now use vanilla positions if not specified in the pack
Fixed baby Zombie Pigman sword scale in marketplace content
Sound Event is now displayed in the scripting documentation
Renamed blocks in resource packs now keep their custom names