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Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock Village & Pillage BETA Out Now!

Reputable Member

Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock Village & Pillage BETA Out Now!

20 March 2019

PLEASE READ before participating in the Minecraft Beta:

You will not have access to Realms and will not be able to join non-beta players while you're previewing the beta. Featured servers may also be unavailable
The beta is available only on Xbox One, Windows 10, and Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see for detailed instructions
Beta builds will likely be unstable and are not representative of final version quality. Please backup your Worlds before joining the beta
Finished releases may not include all new features, changes, and fixes from the beta to preserve stability and may slip to a later release

New Features:

When choosing a skin from a skin pack, the selected skin will now roam between Bedrock devices using the same account


Added sweet new animation popups when acquiring Bad Omen and Hero of the Village
Right-clicking on a trade will now auto-trade items
Revamped the crafting recipes for the cartography table, smithing table, and fletching table
A message will now display if a raid expires after two in-game days
Vindicators can now break doors during raids


Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
Fixed a crash that could occur when stepping into a nether portal the same time as a phantom (MCPE-43115)
An evocation fang without an owner no longer crashes the game when it tries to deal damage (MCPE-43042)
Downloading missing resource packs when creating a new world no longer makes the game unresponsive
Improved performance on the villager trading screen


Fixed a lot of accessibility features and text to speech issues
Disabling the Multiplayer Game setting will now apply when the world is packaged as a world template


Fixed players falling through blocks at around 65K blocks on the X or Z axes (MCPE-39299)
Raid loading is no longer canceled if a player saves and quits
Ringing a bell will no longer lock players out of trading with villagers


Reduced the range of drowned attacking the nearest player
Villagers heads no longer clip through walls while sleeping. Not sure how they felt. Hopefully better now (MCPE-42478)
Adjusted some incorrect prices for villager trades
Patrols can no longer stack up in the same spawn area
Patrols will now avoid spawning near players if they are in a village
Villagers no longer lose their job site association with smokers and blast furnaces while they are smelting
Ravagers now move faster when moving into a village during raids
Ravagers can no longer deal damage to villagers and other mobs from behind walls
Pillagers can now spawn inside the pillager outpost structure


Fixed particles not appearing while mining blocks
Cobblestone slabs are no longer slabs and blocks at the same time (MCPE-42352)
Lingering potions no longer cause bells to repeatedly ring
Composters can no longer drop an endless amount of bone meal when pushed by pistons (MCPE-42429)


Fixed some items having invisible bits when placed in item frames (MCPE-42415)
Damaged tools can once again be smelted to recover gold/iron ingots (MCPE-42533)
Cacti can once again be smelted into green dye (MCPE-42497)

User Interface

Updated the How to Play page on scaffolding to show the change to length of scaffolds
Add-Ons / Script Engine
Fixed inconsistent spawn eggs for villagers and zombie villagers for template worlds that require the original entities
Fixed pivot point changes to Endermen made with Add-ons

Topic starter Posted : 20/03/2019 1:25 pm