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Minecraft snapshot 18w15a - aquatic update dolphins

Reputable Member

A Minecraft Java Edition snapshot

You've already seen the header image. Do we even need to say anything else?

- New entity: Dolphins
- New block: Conduit
- New block: Blue Ice
- New item: Heart of the Sea
- New item: Nautilus Shell
- Icebergs now generate in frozen oceans
- You no longer have "night vision" effect underwater
- Water now has different colours based on the biome
- New video option: Biome blend distance
- Going in and out of swimming should now feel smoother
- You can now swim through 1x1 holes! Again!
- Fog colour underwater now changes much smoother between biomes
- Optimized fog rendering
- Light now goes much further through liquid blocks


It's happening!

- Spawns in any ocean that isn't frozen
- They're just cute, okay?
- Dolphins are very playful and love floating items
- They also love to chase after boats
- If you upset one, you upset them all
- More behaviours coming soon

Blubb blubb blubb blubb

Water now only blocks 1 light per block, instead of 3
This only affects newly placed water - we will relight all chunks in an upcoming snapshot
Every ocean biome has a unique water colour, and swamps are icky and gross
In newly generated chunks, you're less likely to find frozen ocean next to warm ocean (and similar)

I'm not sure.
What is this?
Where are we?


MC-25866 - Splash Potion of Saturation has no effect
MC-63714 - Zombie Pigmen get angry when hit in creative
MC-121479 - Clicking on world, save and quit to title and quit buttons freeze the game for a second
MC-122354 - Flying with elytra crash game / kicks player
MC-123585 - Closing world while debug pie chart is open causes crash
MC-123853 - Mobs don't burn when standing in double plants/cobweb
MC-124906 - Underground lava and water lakes and mob spawners generate with air instead of Cave air (cave_air)
MC-124915 - /locate and eye of ender find strongholds in invalid places
MC-124918 - Biome-specific structures generate at wrong biomes in superflat
MC-124953 - Vines generate beneath jungle at y-level 64
MC-125083 - New world generator doesn't generate snow on trees in snow biomes
MC-125106 - Liquids in generated structures don't update
MC-125188 - Releasing the sprint button will no longer stop sprinting until you touch the ground
MC-125195 - Spectator mode will still allow the swimming animations
MC-125219 - Logs do not retain their rotation when stripping them
MC-125240 - Player is unable to swim through one-high water with a solid block above
MC-125530 - Swimming while touching ground shakes viewport if View Bobbing is enabled
MC-125578 - Splash turtle potions missing "splash" in translation
MC-125579 - Tipped turtle potion arrows inconsistently capitalize "The"
MC-126087 - In creative mode, fish buckets are used when placing the fish
MC-126097 - Will not drop the grilled fish, when cod and salmon are burned to death
MC-126185 - Fish unrestricted spawning causing world to inevitably crash from the number of entities
MC-126557 - Sea grass, kelp and coral can be generated on crevices
MC-127276 - Zombie transform to Drowned in less than waist-high water

Topic starter Posted : 11/04/2018 11:21 am
Trusted Member

{screams internally} I better start preparing aquariums.

Posted : 12/04/2018 5:59 am
Active Member

so, i did some researching, and turns out to confirm my fears, we'er heading into the alantis dimension, i know 4j likes to keep quiet bout these things, but i know they are planning to put in the game, the underwater conduits are sheilding for the leviathin. the leviathin is a massive squid like monster that will throw you around like his personal chew toy. though this is speculation, but i did the math, it would only make since if they are giving us underwtaer conduits to fight him. do not take this battle for granted ecko, i know what that monsterious squid can do first hand

Posted : 15/04/2018 7:49 am