
Minecraft village &...
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Minecraft village & pillage 1.14 pre-release 1

Reputable Member


A Village & Pillage Java Pre-Release

We're now feeling confident enough in the stability and feature-completeness of 1.14 - The Village & Pillage Update - that we've decided to enter the pre-release phase. Whilst we know that there are still bugs to be solved and polish to be added, we feel that this version is now good enough that we can ask you all to please help us test and find any issues for a smooth release in a few weeks. Remember to report anything you find to our bug tracker, or give feedback on new features over to our feedback website. It helps us immensely!


Fixed lots of bugs
Some optimizations
Inside optimize world screen there's now an option to remove cached world data (e.g. height maps and light), so that it's recomputed on the next load


MC-134755 - All short mobs drown just below the surface of water
MC-137451 - Mobs heads rotate super quickly when looking around
MC-138979 - Scaffolding switches quickly between entity and block when placed on some non-solid blocks
MC-139255 - Cave ambient sounds are not playing
MC-140936 - The tall grass in the plains village structures doesn't take the block it spawns on into consideration
MC-142134 - Light sources spontaneously not working in some chunks
MC-142228 - Skylight shines through blocks
MC-142729 - Puffed puffer fishes with "NoAI" tag can shrink down
MC-142768 - Mobs can suffocate below blocks, if the eye height isn't inside the collision box
MC-143112 - Duplicated files in village structure
MC-143591 - Spiders and cave spiders fly-climb
MC-143699 - Trader llamas won't despawn
MC-144798 - Barrels always try to set their "open" state to false
MC-145031 - Crash while ticking barrel
MC-145766 - Iron golems spawning at an alarming rate
MC-146295 - Loom top texture is backwards
MC-146538 - Eye position for riptiding player is incorrect
MC-146800 - Villager can make the discount number of unstackable item more than 1
MC-146860 - Trading sometimes takes the full price instead of the discounted price when player has the Hero of the Village effect
MC-146919 - Drowned, fish and guardians are not spawning
MC-147031 - When a zombie wakes up a villager, the bed tag is still on occupied (occupied: true)
MC-147056 - Zombie villagers spawned with a zombie village move very fast
MC-147207 - hs_pid_error appears for no reason in snapshots.
MC-147227 - Shift-clicking an item out of the trading inventory instantly locks the trade
MC-147240 - Villagers can trade Arrows of Luck
MC-147268 - Villagers don't run away from ravagers, pillagers, vindicators, evokers, zombies or husks
MC-147270 - Player can still move at normal speed and sprint while sneaking in a 1.5 blocks tall space
MC-147274 - Villager 'Happy' and 'Angry' particles not showing, even when particles are on 'All'
MC-147298 - Arrow facing down with 0 degrees on both x z (basically straight down) cannot be picked up and play a sound on loop
MC-147305 - Player crouches with a delay
MC-147363 - "Villager disagrees" sound is played twice when right clicking a villager without trades
MC-147513 - Unable to focus anvil textfield by clicking
MC-147529 - Background is not dimmed for book or lectern
MC-147532 - Chunks stop loading after change view distance
MC-147538 - Cannot drag any slider in "Video Settings" options
MC-147560 - Mobs stop spawning over time if the render distance is less than 11
MC-147607 - Command block text field isn't focused when opening the GUI anymore
MC-147642 - Narrator is toggled when typing in text fields
MC-147681 - X-ray with door and slab

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Topic starter Posted : 10/04/2019 11:13 am