Adventure Across Orbs, Section A
Note before playing:
• make sure the render distance is set to around 5 chunks before playing
• make sure to have your sensitivity at around 85
Explore a bunch of areas and find some secrets.

Explore across 6 different levels lost in space & time as 2 different ability's or do some classic minecraft parkour.
• New routes to old levels
• Anti cheat system
• Grammar fixes
• Visual upgrades to some of the checkpoints
• New bios 8 & 9
• Small background fixes
• Small Hub changes
• First 7 bios been slightly rewritten.
• Small behind the scenes fixes
3 important notes before playing
1: don’t play this in multiplayer
2: please try not to break the map
3: if You do multiplayer take turns with friends and other people as it can easily break the map