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Chill Parkour | [Parkour] [Minigame]
Chill Parkour is designed to be easy and simple so you can relax while playing it. It is a basic levelled map with complex commands to add cool features and tools! It is a very entertaining world that you should try out! NOT FOR MULTIPLAYER!
How to play?
When you join this world, you will be in the Lobby where you can find: Rules, Game Settings, Information, Credits and Start. When you begin the parkour, you will have a death counter and a timer. Try your best to get a good time! Good Luck and dont rage!
Recommended: MCworld
If your downloading zip or rar, you will have to rename it too mcworld.
If you are on ios or android then you will have to download the mcworld.
Topic starter Posted : 27/11/2020 10:50 am