Crucible Cubes Parkour (Very Hard)
Crucible Cubes – a 8-level hardcore parkour map filled with hard parkour, as you would expect. The map also features six other courses which are outside of the main level system. These levels all have one thing in common – extreme difficulty.
Crucible Cubes introduction
This map has 8 levels. Here is a photo of the lobby:
There are 8 entrances to different levels.
The levels are mostly standard parkour with a few exceptions. Cube 1 is easy, but there are sparse checkpoints. Cube 3 is built in the “rankup style”, meaning it has a beginning, various sections, transitions which are life or death, as well as a sky. which when failed, forces you to start the course all over again.
After cube 3, the levels get exponentially harder than each one before it.
Cube 4. You can practise the fundamentals here before moving onto harder levels.
The final 3 (or 4 if you are not that good) levels are very difficult and you are almost guaranteed to rage multiple times. To make you feel better, I prepared a lounge for you, which is unlocked after completing cube 4. It has a buffet, spa, study area and more than enough space to sit.
The CUBES lounge. Photo: the buffet area. Spa is at the upper floor.
Worth mentioning: the final 3 levels all end with a one jump CP. The jumps are:
Cube 6: chest to chest double cross neo
Cube 7: 3bc triple neo
Cube 8: 4bx3
Cube 6.
Cube 8, the final level. Beware, it is very difficult!
Once you beat cube 8 and get the glorious level 9, it’s time to share your achievement! The selfie area can be accessed from cube 8 by completing it or a special button.
So you have completed cube 8, don’t delete the map yet! Check out the 6 other courses too. There is a wall climbing level, a level made in collaboration with other map makers, and a replica of a famous CP of a very hard rankup series. The photos show three of these miscellaneous courses.
Waza ladder CP, taken from Waza 10 of It contains the famous hard jump Waza Ladder, which is the ladder jump with iron bars in this photo.
White Challenge. Made in collaboration with Hivison and some other parkour players.
Sleepy’s Nightmare. This is what I don’t want to see when I play a map on a server. Please don’t use this to torture me!
Download the map to try and beat the contender for one of the hardest Minecraft Bedrock parkour maps. All jumps have been verified, whether by me or other parkour players, on mobile. Doing the jumps is only half the battle, consistency is the other half.
How to play
Emerald block = checkpoint
Fishing rod = return to checkpoint
Snowball = go to lobby
Map tools
Miscellaneous Courses button – access the miscellaneous courses.
Restore level – restore your highest level in case you derank. The way it works is briefly explained in the information booklet.
Recommended gamerule configuraton – sets the gamerule booleans to make the experience better. The button turns off PVP, fall damage, drowning damage, sets random tick speed to 0, etc.
Lounge – Self-explanatory.
Play on adventure mode, don’t cheat, don’t activate redstone parkour mechanisms for other players. Thank you!
Special thanks
JustzMoizes – provided the custom head texture pack
Hivison – built this map with me (White Challenge course) and provided valuable advice. I can’t thank him enough!
It is a photo of cube 7.
Some heads are replaced with creeper heads, I don't want to spam my skin's face all over the map.