Easy to Hard Parkour
Oh,you there! Do you wanna practice some parkour or improve your parkour skills? Well, don't worry anymore. This map is right for you! The map starts from easy then it become hard.
The map is a parkour map. But this map isn't your typical map. It get's harder as you progress through the map. So, what's so special about this map? This map includes a variety of parkour skills to learn and improve. And you get REWARDS when you complete a level, so you feel a bit motivated. This parkour tries to teach you how to do a four block jump, how to fence jump, how to jump on a slime block and reach that block you're trying to reach, and how to parkour with a honey wall, no not honey, Honey BLOCK. Well, enough talking, now we shall go to the pictures part:

Hmm, something is dirty. Yep,this stage is filled with dirt. We all know that dirt is the commonest block and the most easiest to find. As it's the easiest, why would not the parkour of the dirt be the easiest one. It's the first stage, in case you've have not figured that out.

What could be the second thing you see after spawning on your world, I think that's Wood. And wood becomes the second stage. This stage offers a four block jump, and before you go and do it, here's a tip: Sprint and jump when you are on the edge of the block where you are standing!

After getting some wood, you probably go and start digging and the second thing you find after a digging is stone. And now after speaking the obvious, I shall say that the 3rd stage is the stone stage. But there's a honey wall and it's impossible to do that 5 block jump. So, you gotta sprint and jump on the honey and after jumping look above then after landing you slowly go up the stone stairs. And yes this is a some kind of stair. I've shown it in the image below this text.

Hmm, this block is quite the dark. Well, this could be nether brick. Yes, this is a nether brick. But there are fences. This parkour is hard. As I've said what to do in the four-block jump, do the same here. Make sure to be aiming properly when jumping. In the top-left you can see that there are blocks above and below. You will not sprint here. When at the edge of the block, you will jump. Like this, you can complete this stage.

At the edge jump, like I said earlier.

Well, well here we are at the end. Not just the end, but also the end of the parkour. And the last stage of the parkour as of now. Make your jumps very carefully. The thin rods can make you fall anytime. Don't try to jump on the signs, Just don't.

There's a slime block. You have to go the road at first and then jump on the slime block.
This is the end... of the parkour. I will add more as soon as possible. I hope you have a great time playing on the parkour.
creator: MiniKraft
Fixed the download link of the map as directed by the admins