Hard Block Clutch Improved
This world focuses solely on block clutches. The main complaint with my last map was because of pressure plates teleporting you to places & PvP being an aspect of the map. I completely removed PvP & made the section completely focus on block clutches, except 3 sections that focused on water, bridging & enderpearl clutches
There are 6 main sections, with 4 being block clutches.
Stages 1: Block clutches pt 1 & 2
-Has two checkpoints
Stage 2: Water bucket clutches
Stage 3: Enderpearl clutches
Stage 4: Side block clutches
Stage 5: Jump & speed block clutches
Stage 6: Speed Bridging practice
Important info:
Sword = Teleport to checkpoint
Green concrete = Double block clutch
The checkpoint is made out of an invisible armor stand, if you kill this on accident do /kill or press the pressure plate again
Stage 1: Block clutches
– Block clutch by placing a block on the side of block to stop yourself from falling
Stage 2: Water block clutch
-Place water on the ground to stop yourself from dying
Stage 3: Enderpearl clutches
-Throw an Enderpearl onto the wall (follow the numbers) & then catch yourself using a block
Stage 4: Side block clutches
-Same idea as the first stage, except block clutch on the side of the walls
Stage 5: Speed & jumpboost block clutches
– The green wool will effect you with speed 4 & Jumpboost 4 for 1 second
Stage 6: Bridging practice
-Bridge from the left to the right as fast as possible (Applying speed to yourself is optional)
creator: Sheep_king