Moonlight Parkour [VIP]
This fantasy-themed parkour map will satisfy you, especially if you like fantasy worlds.
This parkour map features a very beautiful view of the moon and that is what characterizes this parkour map. And complemented by the view of the flying island and the accompanying trees, it will keep you hooked and addicted.
Do you like fantasy worlds? Yes, this is a parkour map with a fantasy theme (flying island).
This map will satisfy you, especially if you add texture packs or shaders, it will beautify again.
I made this map in a high place, above the clouds to be precise and it is equipped with views of the moon shining brightly, flying islands and trees. That is the priority on this map.
This map has 3 stages.
The first stage has 4 levels. By being surrounded by trees, it will beautify the scenery while playing.
The second stage has 3 levels. The trees are now in the middle of the obstacle, that will be the next obstacle. Get ready!
The third stage is the last stage, it has 3 levels. At this stage it was very stunning and became my favorite stage. Here there are flying islands and trees that spoil your eyes.
For the difficulty level of this parkour map is "HARD". Hmmmm.. maybe for a PC or laptop platform this will be easy. But for the Android platform it is quite difficult, unless you are already good at playing parkour on the Android platform.




Maaf, versi sebenarnya dari peta untuk Minecraft ini adalah 1.18.12 . Tapi disini hanya ada 1.18.10 .
Jadi di sini adalah peta VIP, di mana Anda dapat mengakses "Mode Showcase". Seperti namanya, mode ini digunakan untuk orang yang ingin menampilkan peta ini. Dengan menggunakan mode ini, Anda akan diubah dari mode petualangan ke mode kreatif. Tetapi jika hanya ingin bermain, Anda dapat menggunakan "Mode Playing", di sini Anda tidak akan dapat mengubah ke mode kreatif sampai Anda selesai dengan rintangan parkour yang disediakan, Anda dapat memilih kembali "Mode Playing" atau "Mode Showcase" " jika Anda telah menyelesaikan rintangan parkour dari peta ini. Itu adalah bentuk pengamanan dari saya, agar tidak curang.