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Nova Parkour Adventure
Hi, are you guys want parkour with adventure? Yes on this parkour have adventuring and, PvE Bossfight. And yes, I'm using 1.17 parkour too and this parkour is easy to hard. Okay let's get onto the description
This parkour have more tricks to winning this game, also the adventure is cool.
I added Dripleaf Parkour, Parkour 2.0 (my previous submission), Shooting things.
This parkour have easter eggs 🙂 You must find it.

That is the parkour, many variations on this parkour.

This is the boss fight arena, it has animation, i can't show the animation since i can't make a gif. Sorry 🙁
Enjoy it!
creator: ExtinctCellar58
- Download the file,
- Click that file you downloaded,
- Open Minecraft,
- Enjoy.
Topic starter Posted : 15/07/2021 4:55 pm