
MCPE/Bedrock Parkou...
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MCPE/Bedrock Parkour Master

Illustrious Member Admin

Parkour Master


Have you always wanted to play a more difficult simple parkour map?


if yes this map is for you


if not ….. this map is also for you


I present the Parkour Master


This map was made with the theme of ore blocks.




We have several phases: Netherite



    Gold EmeraldAnd: RedstoneThe finalThe lobby

And that’s it, but before I wanted to also show the number of commands I used, which are very few.


Bugs encontrados: In the GOLD phase, a bug was that when you die you don’t go back to the spawn, this bug will be solved in the next update, another bug found was that when you die with other people together you get stuck in the spawn, well this bug unfortunately cannot be solved 🙁 but an easy way to solve it is you don’t play in multiplayer, but in singleplayer i hope i have clarified everything for you bye 🙂


Unfortunately we have not been able to resolve the bugs so far but I hope you like the next version / map update I will resolve the bugs I promise



To download the world just click on the highlighted green writing that you will download the world Thanks for Download



Topic starter Posted : 15/11/2020 7:17 pm