Parkour Story Mode
Every Minecraft player had to do some parkour while playing MInecraft. If it’s in their world or a world they downloaded, we have done some parkour in our Minecraft lives. In this world you start off by doing a parkour at a tree and ending off at the celebration of the defeating the Ender dragon.
This is just like any box world. Only this one has a little story to it.
This is a 30 level world. Every level is in a 7×7 box. You will start off at the bottom and make your way to the top to move on to the next level. The 1st box is a tree, then you will move on to finding diamonds fighting the wither and the Ender dragon and end off celebrating. There will be more boxes like a biome explorer box and a trading hall box.
You will spawn with the saturation effect. This will make it so if you fall and take damage, you don’t have to eat in order to get more health.
Some Nether boxes have lava and all end boxes have a void. If you die at levels 1-10, you will re spawn at level 1. If you die at level 11-30 you will re spawn at level 11 so be careful.
There are three levels where you need a bow. When you get to level 14 “get the skulls” you will get a bow and arrow. The bow has infinity, you will need to keep the bow for levels 17, “Wither fight” and level 25 “dragon fight”.
You will be given op just in case you want to look around or if you keep dying and want to move on.
My next world will be a Minekart Wii (Mariokart Wii) Just for a shout out.
Thank you Flipndip257 for play testing. His worlds are 2-d Minecraft and captive minecraft.
Special youtuber: Mr.Beast gaming
creator: Teencord6
added even more pictures and hopefully made it ready to publish
Click the zip code file
It will take you to media file
click download
open it to Minecraft