Parkour Tag Factory
Have you ever wanted to play a Minecraft Championship Minigame named "Parkour Tag" in MCPE/MCBE? Well, you are in the right place, Let me introduce a fan-made creation of Parkour Tag Factory map. It's fully functional and for the most part it is fully automatic. Wanna know the best thing? It doesn't have any player limits for multiplayer. Isn't that a crazy thing?
When you spawn in the lobby, you can see the overview of the parkour map that you will be playing in.

Parkour Tag is a minigame that comes from the widely popular tournament named "MC Championship". It contains 2 main roles, Hunter and Runner.

To play the map -
Player(s) needs to select themselves as a Hunter. The runner selection gate will only open when a player(s) has selected themselves as a Hunter.

When all the hunter(s) and runner(s) are ready to start the round then the Hunter needs to press the "Start The Game" button to start the round. Once the gates are open, chaos begins.

What is Parkour Tag?
Hunter(s) needs to chase all the runner(s) and tag all the runner(s) within 60 seconds to win the round.
Runner(s) needs to avoid the hunter(s) and survive for 60 seconds to win the round.
Parkour Practice -
Now you can also practice your parkour skills! Simply go to the "Parkour Practice" cage and press the "Go to Parkour Practice" button to go to the Parkour Practice area. If you are done practicing and want to go back to the main hub then go to Runner/Hunter Spawn or Waiting Area Parkour Practice Cage and press the "Return to the Main Hub" button to return to the main hub.

Credits -
Lucky Twitter - @LuckyStarYT1
Lucky Minecraft IGN - NightDevil9440
Texture Pack Creator - chairocchi
Map Build Creator - Lighted Technology
New Features -
• Added a new texture pack to the map and removed the old texture pack from the map.
• When the hunter tags a runner then kill particles will show to them and kill sound will play to all the hunter(s).
• Added new "You successfully survived for (time) seconds." broadcast message for the runner.
• When the runner died then a new "You got tagged!" death message and "Tagged!" title will show to them.
Bugs Fixed -
• Fixed many invalid parkour jumps.
• Fixed some missing and incorrect blocks.
• Now "2" yellow color is brighter in "Starting in".
New Features -
• Added a new texture pack to the map.
• When the hunter tags a runner then kill particles will show to them and kill sound will play to all the hunter(s).
• Added new "You successfully survived for (time) seconds." broadcast message for Runner.
• When the runner died then a new "You got tagged!" death message and "Tagged!" title will show to them.
Bugs Fixed -
• Fixed many invalid parkour jumps.
• Fixed some missing and incorrect blocks.
• Now "2" yellow color is brighter in "Starting in".