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SkeletonKing's Parkour Map
SkeletonKing's Parkour Map consists of 10 Levels, representing different biomes and more! Lots of commands have been used for this world, as well as lots of time and effort put into it. The difficulty of the map isn't either high or low, so everyone can hopefully enjoy!
Some of the Levels:

Behind the scenes:

At first, you need to download two files:
- The World
- The Resource Pack
After downloading them, run the "Parkour Map Pack.mcpack" file and let Minecraft install it for you. After that, you can go ahead and run the "SkeletonKing's Parkour Map.mcworld" file, which will install the world for you.
That's it, you are ready!
Topic starter Posted : 23/06/2021 11:24 am